Five Simple Steps to Creating an Energy-Efficient Home

Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023     By Toby Riley

Five Simple Steps to Creating an Energy-Efficient Home

3. Improve insulation

Energy-efficient homes are well insulated, so check your home’s insulation and make sure it is up to date. This can help reduce energy costs and improve comfort levels in the home. Make sure to check for gaps in the insulation and caulk any leaks around windows and doors.


4. Install programmable thermostats

Installing a programmable thermostat will allow you to control energy usage in the home and save energy when you are away. You can also set different temperatures for different times of day, so your energy costs will be lower and your home will be comfortable for when you return.


5. Use energy-saving windows

Energy-efficient windows can reduce energy loss by up to 40%. Look for windows with a low U-value, which measures how well they insulate against energy loss. When you replace old windows with energy-saving ones, energy costs can be significantly reduced. Consider low-e coatings and other energy efficient treatments to further increase energy efficiency.


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